A-Z list of courses

Browse our full list of courses below.

Radio and television interviews

Receptionist training: becoming an exceptional receptionist

Recruitment and selection

Report writing skills

Reputation management: create a powerful reputation for your organisation

Resilience through Change

Resolving conflict with the customer

Restructure and redundancy workshop

Retail sales techniques: theory into practice

Reverse Mentoring (1 day)

Risk management

Sales skills: enjoy successful selling 

Self awareness at work

Social media and online communications – a strategic approach 

Speed reading

Start up toolkit

Strategic planning and thinking

Strategy: from the vision to implementation

Supervision skills managing people and teams

Talent management and succession planning

Team building

Team leader skills: building and leading a high performance team

The Art of Storytelling: Getting your audience at the edge of their seats

The Effective learning and development administrator

The Executive PA: moving from secretary to an executive PA role

Time management for Administrators 

Time management for Managers

Training the trainer

Transition management: leading people through change

What’s new in HR and employment

Winning pitches

Women in management and leadership

Working effectively across cultures 

Working effectively with your Manager

Working with an intergenerational workforce

Working with the contract of employment

Write for success

Writing letters and emails

Writing skills (basic 1 day)

Writing speeches: keynotes, presentations and special occasion addresses