Effective feedback and conversations

Course summary

In flatter, more digital and complex organisations there’s an increasing need to have effective, and sometimes challenging, conversations with colleagues, members and stakeholders. This one day management course will focus on each group’s unique challenges whether that’s disagreeing with a senior colleague, motivating a high-performer or explaining a change initiative. We will use an anonymous online survey to get real-life examples from the participants and we’ll use those challenging behaviours and difficult conversations as the focus of the day. The programme is highly interactive and practical with exercises, self-assessments, group work, case studies and role playing. The focus of the day will be sharing best practice and toolkits to give the managers the skills and confidence to have these critical conversations.

MC, Electoral Commission
“Excellent training course that was very well facilitated. I found the course very interesting and relevant to my role. It has given me more confidence to take forward in my management of staff.”
CC, Pensions Ombudsman
“I feel I now have the tools to be more assertive and use the right language. It was very good to interact with people I don’t usually speak with.”
P, Client Earth
“This course has been REALLY valuable, building on previous courses and tackling some very important things. I feel I can begin to apply what I have learnt immediately.”

Course dates and location

All our training courses are being delivered virtually. The webinar systems used do not require software download.

Please note: we allow a maximum of three people per organisation on our Individual training courses.

Our next available course dates for individuals are:

  • 03 December 2024

We can deliver this course virtually for your organisation, on a date and time that suits you. If you have four or more people who would like to attend this course then group training could be the most cost-effective option. Contact one of our Training Coordinators on 020 7490 3030 or email for more information and a quote.

Over this one day course we will cover:

  • Welcome, introductions, aims for the day
  • Reviewing the surveys: what conversations matter the most to this group
  • Getting the desired outcome from a difficult conversation
  • Effective listening to resolve problems
  • Identifying different types of behaviour
  • Adapting styles of communication to different situations
  • What makes people behave in a difficult way
  • Bringing out the best in people at their worst
  • Persuasion and influence
  • Communication skills: the feedback toolkit
  • Knowing how and when to tackle issues
  • How to build your confidence and assertiveness
  • How to ask for a change in behaviour
  • Managing conflict
  • Dealing with aggression
  • How to problem solve and negotiate with difficult people

This course is aimed at managers who needs to deal with challenging attitudes, behaviours and situations. This course will work best if managers and their direct reports do not attend the same course.

By the end of the day you will not only have a better awareness of yourself in terms of your own behavioural strengths and weaknesses, but you will also have increased confidence in dealing with challenging people, attitudes and behaviour. You will have a communications toolkit which can be used to plan, deliver and follow-up from challenging conversations. You’ll better understand your own emotional reactions to giving and receiving difficult feedback and will understand how resilience can be built up over time.

  • £589 plus VAT not-for-profit price (applies to charities and all other not-for-profit organisations, including public sector and housing)
  • £654 plus VAT standard price (applies to all other organisations)

Effective feedback and conversations

We have a two-tier pricing structure, offering discounted rates to charities and not-for-profit organisations: Not-for-profit price applies to charities and other not-for-profit organisations (including public sector and housing) Standard price applies to all other organisations

If you are requesting a charity discount, we will need your registered charity number

(if so please specify – please note, this information will be kept private and only used to ensure we can support your learning needs on the day(s) of the course)

(e.g. dietary, access, religious)

We will invoice you for your course and this will be sent via email within two working days. Once you have received your invoice, you can pay by BACS, credit card or cheque.

(promotional codes cannot be used for courses with a special offer price applied)