Communication in the workplace

Course summary

Whether it’s writing an e-mail that will get read, making a difficult telephone call or getting your point across in a meeting or presentation, good communication skills are even more essential in today’s organisation, where time is money that none of us can afford to waste.

This practical, London based, one-day communication skills course will help you communicate more efficiently and effectively in your workplace with your colleagues, senior management and clients.

GG, Every Child UK
“I have a better understanding about how to deliver a message without being pushed around and not be passive. I loved the course, I felt relaxed throughout the day ”
DS, Healthy Planet
“I found it very informative and enjoyed the group exercises. I particularly found the advice on how to make communication clearer and more efficient of great help!”
VH, Prostate Cancer UK
“The information I have learnt has helped hugely in identifying how to communicate with various people types and how to communicate my role as a PA more clearly. ”
EB, University of the Arts, London
“The trainer was very enthusiastic and kept the group engaged with different group work. The course had a good approach in the workplace and allowed reflection on your own practice.”
HS, I.P Solutions
“The course is rich in content and extremely helpful in understanding the different methods of communicating, especially making us aware of delivery and perception. ”

Course dates and location

All our training courses are being delivered virtually. The webinar systems used do not require software download.

Please note: we allow a maximum of three people per organisation on our Individual training courses.

Our next available course dates for individuals are:

  • 29 August 2024
  • 14 January 2025

We can deliver this course virtually for your organisation, on a date and time that suits you. If you have four or more people who would like to attend this course then group training could be the most cost-effective option. Contact one of our Training Coordinators on 020 7490 3030 or email for more information and a quote.

During this communication course you will cover the principles and practices of effective business communications including:

  • how we communicate
  • how communication works
    o in our organisations
    o the problems and pitfalls of poor communication
  • the importance of two-way communication
    o speaking and listening
    o the lost art of listening
    o being heard
  • what to say and how to say it effectively
    o objective led communication
    o clarifying your aims
    o developing your messages
    o written communication skills
  • choosing the most effective communication route
    o email
    o telephone
    o face to face
    o meetings
    o presentations
  • assertive communications
    o say what you mean and mean what you say
    o the value of verbal and non-verbal communications
  • communicating with impact
    o personal impression management
    o presenting a positive image
    o body language

The course also includes a year of free support from your trainer.

All our training courses are delivered virtually. The webinar systems used do not require software download.

The course is for anyone whose wants to improve their written and face to face business communication skills. It is of equal benefit to junior and middle management who wish to brush up on existing techniques and learn new skills. This course would also be beneficial to those working at an administrative level who aspire to greater confidence in their communication.

The Centre works with people from all sectors including the public sector, voluntary sector, corporate sector and private sector.

This course will help improve your business communication skills and confidence in communicating at all levels.

  • £522 plus VAT not-for-profit price (applies to charities and all other not-for-profit organisations, including public sector and housing)
  • £589 plus VAT standard price (applies to all other organisations)

Communication in the workplace

We have a two-tier pricing structure, offering discounted rates to charities and not-for-profit organisations: Not-for-profit price applies to charities and other not-for-profit organisations (including public sector and housing) Standard price applies to all other organisations

If you are requesting a charity discount, we will need your registered charity number

(if so please specify – please note, this information will be kept private and only used to ensure we can support your learning needs on the day(s) of the course)

(e.g. dietary, access, religious)

We will invoice you for your course and this will be sent via email within two working days. Once you have received your invoice, you can pay by BACS, credit card or cheque.

(promotional codes cannot be used for courses with a special offer price applied)