Equality, diversity and inclusion

Course summary

Do you wish you were more confident in recognising equality and diversity issues and dealing with them effectively in the workplace? Equality, diversity and inclusion are everyone’s business. But the concepts can seem complex and even divisive. The terminology can be confusing and it can be hard to tell what it is or is not acceptable to do or say. You may want to do the right thing but be frightened of getting it wrong.

This one-day Equality, diversity and inclusion training demystifies the Law and the issues. Its practical focus provides a common-sense understanding of how equality and diversity apply in everyday working life.

IK, Lambeth Palace Library
“This was a very enlightening and helpful course. The trainer encouraged us to think deeply about issues surrounding diversity, both as individuals and as a group in a relaxed and positive atmosphere.”
SA, Prostate Cancer UK
“A great half-day workshop with useful and thought-provoking discussions. I would fully recommend this course.”
CL, Combat Stress
“The trainer was excellent and the course was very informative and good fun; it was much better than I was expecting!”

Course dates and location

All our training courses are being delivered virtually. The webinar systems used do not require software download.

Please note: we allow a maximum of three people per organisation on our Individual training courses.

Our next available course dates for individuals are:

10 October 2024

We can deliver this course virtually for your organisation, on a date and time that suits you. If you have four or more people who would like to attend this course then group training could be the most cost-effective option. Contact one of our Training Coordinators on 020 7490 3030 or email for more information and a quote.

This Equality, Diversity and Inclusion training course, is intended for anyone, at any level, who wants to develop the right tools and be confident in applying equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Over the day you will cover:

  • what equality, diversity and inclusion mean to you and your current concerns and issues
  • the Law and how it applies to you
  • the protected characteristics (such as ethnicity, disability and sexual orientation) and issues associated with them
  • everyday equality situations and how to handle them
  • common myths, misunderstandings and mistakes to avoid
  • how to make your work and workplace more inclusive
  • when and how to challenge behaviour and assumptions
  • how to use language appropriately
  • a toolkit of practical hints and tips to give you the confidence to get it right
  • free 12 months call back service

This course combines theory with practical scenarios and exercises so you can learn through experience. Participants are given a safe and confidential space to learn from their own, and other peoples, experiences.

All our training courses are delivered virtually. The webinar systems used do not require software download.

Our Equality, diversity and inclusion training course is suitable for anyone, at any level of an organisation, who wants to develop the right tools and understand how to be confident in applying equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace. The course leader will be able to address issues specific to your role to ensure you get the most out of the training.

The Centre works with people from all sectors including the public sector, voluntary sector, corporate sector and private sector.

You will learn how the Law on Equality applies to you and the practical steps you can take to recognise and respond to equality, diversity and inclusion matters when they arise. You will learn about the Protected Characteristics and some of the issues that may be associated with them, developing practical techniques to ensure you and others are treated appropriately.

Working with an intergenerational workforce

Gender equality

Disability and mental health awareness

  • £589 plus VAT not-for-profit price (applies to charities and all other not-for-profit organisations, including public sector and housing)
  • £654 plus VAT standard price (applies to all other organisations)

Equality, diversity and inclusion

We have a two-tier pricing structure, offering discounted rates to charities and not-for-profit organisations: Not-for-profit price applies to charities and other not-for-profit organisations (including public sector and housing) Standard price applies to all other organisations

If you are requesting a charity discount, we will need your registered charity number

(if so please specify – please note, this information will be kept private and only used to ensure we can support your learning needs on the day(s) of the course)

(e.g. dietary, access, religious)

We will invoice you for your course and this will be sent via email within two working days. Once you have received your invoice, you can pay by BACS, credit card or cheque.

(promotional codes cannot be used for courses with a special offer price applied)