Tailored Webinars with Itec@The-Centre

Itec@The-Centre are running six complimentary training courses, specifically tailored to managers and directors.

Changes are afoot in UK employment law, impacting how businesses operate and manage their workforce.

To assist you in staying ahead of the curve, we are excited to announce a series of informative 45-minute webinars tailored specifically for directors and managers like yourself.

If you are interested in any of the courses available, please book using the booking form at the bottom of this page.


BE Offices,
Central Point,
45 Beech Street,

Tuesday 14th May: 09:15 – 10:00

Employment law changes in 2024 – what to look out for:

2024 is a significant year in UK employment law. There are a number of changes due to take effect in 2024 and 2025 which employers should be aware of and take steps to prepare for. These changes relate to a range of workplace issues, including flexibility at work, employment rights for specific groups and contractual matters. During this webinar we will consider some of these changes in overview will explore the following themes:

  • Changes to the law on flexible working: what to know and how to prepare.
  • Changes affecting parents and carers: what to know and how to prepare.
  • Changes affecting contacts and redundancy: what to know and how to prepare.

Please note: this session does not address the changes in the law on sexual harassment brought in by the Worker Protection Act; we are offering a dedicated separate webinar on this subject.

Thursday 23rd May: 09:30 – 10:15

Preventing sexual harassment – preparing for the Worker Protection Act:

Coming into force in October 2024, the Worker Protection Act will introduce a new duty on employers to take reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. This significant change means that employers will need to shift their approach from being reactive to being preventive, creating an environment in which sexual harassment is less likely to happen in the first place. Employers should give urgent thought to how they prepare for this change in the law, including their approach to policies and practices, the culture of the workplace and the training of managers and staff. During this engaging bitesize session we will explore the following themes:

  • Understanding the Worker Protection Act: what changes does the Act introduce?
  • The impact of the new law: what does this mean for employers in practice?
  • How to prepare our organisation for the Worker Protection Act.

Tuesday 4th June: 09:30 – 10:15

Promoting respect at work:

Everyone is entitled to a positive and respectful working environment in which they are supported in giving of their best. Sadly, in many organisations there is too much behaviour which undermines respect yet goes unchallenged, often because people feel the behaviour is low-level, consider themselves ill-equipped to challenge or worry about undermining workplace relationships. However, it is often the low-level behaviour (such as undermining others, rudeness, aggression or demonstration of bias) which sets the tone of an organisation. During this webinar we will explore the types of behaviour which can promote or undermine respect and the steps which can be taken to promote a positive working environment for everyone.

  • What is respect at work and what behaviour should we celebrate or discourage?
  • Tools and techniques for promoting respect and creating the right culture.
  • Nipping it in the bud: steps to take to tackle low-level problem behaviour.

Tuesday 18th June: 09:30 – 10:15

Evaluating the impact of learning: 

Maintaining an effective learning and development programme is essential for any organisation serious about the effectiveness and resilience of its workforce. However, once a training course is over and the evaluation forms complete, it can be tricky to properly assess the true impact and effectiveness of the programme. Too many organisations fail to properly identify what they wisht to achieve through a learning and development programme and how they will monitor and evaluate whether this has been achieved. During this webinar we will explore tools and techniques to ensure that the evaluation of learning impact is built into the process from the very start and the steps to take to ensure any organisation can properly assess the effectiveness of their programme.

  • Planning for effective evaluation: the work needed before the event to identify learning outcomes and what needs to be achieved.
  • Embedding learning: how to ensure that trainees and those who support them (such as their managers) take their learning forward after the event and keep the learning going.
  • Tools and techniques for evaluating impact: including metrics, stakeholder feedback, tie-ins with performance reviews, skills assessment, impact analysis and self assessment.


Unleashing the Potential of Apprenticeships:

Join us for a webinar that dives into the world of apprenticeships. 

This session is a must-attend for businesses looking to use the full power of apprenticeship programmes to help you retain top talent, close skills gaps and motivate employees. 

Whether you’re a business leader, HR professional, or someone involved in workforce development, this webinar will equip you with the knowledge and tools to effectively leverage apprenticeships as a strategic resource. 

You Will Learn: 

  • How to select the right training provider: that aligns with your business needs and offers high-quality, relevant training. 
  • Challenges and how to effectively mitigate them: ensuring a smooth apprenticeship experience for both the employer and the apprentice. 
  • Best practices for managing an apprenticeship programme: including setting clear objectives, monitoring progress, and maximizing the return on your investment. 


Leadership & Coaching Apprenticeships Programmes: 

This event is crucial for anyone interested in enhancing the skills and capabilities of their existing team members, improving retention and engaging employees. 

Through this webinar, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the programmes, including their benefits, delivery models, and commitments required from participants. 

You Will Learn: 

  • What apprenticeships are: discover how the programmes are designed to fit various learning styles and organisational needs. 
  • Delivery model: we will explore our blended approach that includes workshops, one-on-one mentoring, and practical application in the workplace.  
  • How we support you: making sure individuals and organisations progress towards their goals and effectively utilise the skills gained from the training. 
  • What is expected from participants and organisations: time commitments, engagement levels, and support structures necessary to ensure a successful apprenticeship experience. 

Book a Webinar