Bitesize Training Courses with Itec@The-Centre

Itec@The-Centre are running two dates of complimentary bitesize training courses, that are available to sign-up to now!

If you are a BE Office-based professional and are looking to expand your own knowledge, or have a team that are interested in building on their current skillset, we’re here to support you in achieving your goals.

The courses will be split over two dates, 25th of January and 29th of January, and are offered to provide 90 minutes of digestible information covering a range of topics relevant to your business area.

If you are interested in any of the courses available, please book using the booking form at the bottom of this page.


BE Offices,
Central Point,
45 Beech Street,

January 25th 2024

Delivering Effective Feedback: 10:00 to 11.30

We all need feedback. Everyone at work should have a good understanding of their areas for development, but also (and often overlooked!) what they are doing well. Sadly, many people at work are starved of meaningful feedback. This can be because people lack the time, don’t feel it’s their place, are worried about the reaction or simply don’t feel confident in delivering the message. Anyone should be able to offer – and be receptive to – feedback in any direction and be confident in the skills for doing so. During this practical and engaging bitesize session we will explore the following themes:

  • Understanding feedback – what makes for good feedback, what impact can this have at work and what can stop us from delivering this effectively?
  • Tools for delivering and receiving feedback, positive and developmental.
  • How to deliver effective feedback in a range of practical situations.

Coaching Skills: 12.00 to 13.30

Coaching is an important skill in the workplace which can support others in developing skills, confidence and helping to navigate through new and challenging situations. The coach can provide an invaluable role in helping another person to develop. You might be a manager wishing to develop a team member, a team member supporting a colleague or new member of the team or a colleague talking another person through a tricky situation. Perhaps you simply wish to coach yourself in dealing with a challenge! During this practical and engaging bitesize session we will explore the following themes:

  • What we mean by coaching skills and how they can help in your role.
  • Tools, techniques, and models for effective coaching, including questions to ask.
  • Coaching practice – how to demonstrate coaching skills in a range of situations.

Emotional Intelligence: 15.00 to 16.30

Being successful and effective at work is about more than simply being good at your job and completing tasks. We have to be able to deal effectively with others, to understand their perspectives, challenges and how they are impacted by our own approach in the workplace. Recognising and building emotional intelligence is a vital skill for team members at any level in an organisation to develop in order to be able to build and maintain strong and supportive relationships, as well as being able to lead. During this practical and engaging bitesize session we will explore the following themes:

  • The meaning of emotional intelligence and its application in the workplace.
  • How to become more emotionally intelligent at work.
  • How to apply emotional intelligence in a range of practical situations.

29th January 2024

Time management: 10.00 to 11.30

Many of us feel we could be so much more effective at work if only there were more hours in the day! We can’t do much about that, but we can focus on making the best use of the time we do have. Time management is an essential skill but there can be challenges to address. How can we minimise and deal with unhelpful interruptions? How can we manage our priorities, particularly if our priorities clash with those of others or are changed for us? How do we ensure we maintain an appropriate work-life balance? During this practical and engaging bitesize session we will explore the following themes:

  • Understanding the effectiveness of your current approach to time management;
  • Identifying how to manage different types of priority in your role;
  • Tools and techniques for addressing a range of time management challenges.

Blended and Hybrid Working: 12.00 to 13.30

It’s been nearly four years since the start of the pandemic and virtual working has become a standard part of the workplace experience for many people across the world. Many teams and organisations have settled into a pattern of blended or hybrid working, with teams participating in the workplace in different ways. However, challenges still remain – how can we get the balance right and make the most of our time in the office or at home, how can be communicate effectively and build strong relationships and how can we make a real success of hybrid and blended working in 2024? During this practical and engaging bitesize session we will explore the following themes:

  • The highs and lows of blended and hybrid working – what we have learned during the four years since the start of the pandemic.
  • How to make a success of blended working in a range of contexts including communication, teamwork, meeting participation, performance and wellbeing.
  • Areas of focus for me and for my team for the future of blended and hybrid working

Dealing with Change: 15.00 to 16.30

Regardless of the industry you work in, your role or level within an organisation, you will need to know how to deal with change. Change is happening all the time (whether we like it or not): sometimes small and incremental, sometimes sudden and dramatic. We all react differently to change and how we and those around us respond can have a significant impact on the success of our teams. It is important that we are all able to recognise the impact of the changes around us and to know how to work with these in a constructive and proactive way. During this practical and engaging bitesize session we will explore the following themes:

  • Understanding different types of change and how they impact on us.
  • Identifying responses to change (my own and those of others) and how to work with these in order to support myself and those around me.
  • Tools and techniques for working effectively with change and emerging from change with confidence and strength.

Book a Course