Mollie Lawrence X DAC Beachcroft

Mollie Lawrence X DAC Beachcroft

Mollie Lawrence X DAC Beachcroft Pioneering Pathways: Mollie Lawrence’s Journey from Passion to Profession  Eighteen-year-old Mollie Lawrence, a paralegal apprentice, nurtured a passion for law driven by her desire to help others. Fascinated by the legal system,...
Ethan Baff X DAC Beachcroft

Ethan Baff X DAC Beachcroft

Ethan Baff X DAC Beachcroft Ethan Baff: Navigating Success as a Paralegal Apprentice  At 19 years old, Ethan Baff is fully committed to his role as a Paralegal Apprentice at DAC Beachcroft. Currently pursuing his CILEX CPQ Level 3 Paralegal Qualification through...
Teagon Mallon

Teagon Mallon

Teagon Mallon Teagon Mallon: Dream, Achieve, Apprenticeship 18-year-old Teagon Mallon enrolled in Itec Skills’ Jobs Growth Wales+ programme in Neath with the goal of pursuing a career in childcare. Faced with challenging circumstances at home due to her father’s...
Joseph James X WELDLEC Ltd

Joseph James X WELDLEC Ltd

Joseph James X WELDLEC Ltd Pursuing your goals with Itec: Joseph James’ Story After realising that he didn’t enjoy his L1 engineering course, Joseph James felt low in confidence and worried about his future after leaving college. Joseph decided to enrol at Itec as an...
Dewi Richards-Darch X Itec

Dewi Richards-Darch X Itec

Dewi Richards-Darch X Itec The Value of the Welsh Language and Learning: Dewi’s Story Recently we spoke to Itec’s curriculum manager Dewi Richards-Darch about his experiences with completing apprenticeships and his journey of re-discovering the Welsh language. What...