Managing a media crisis
Reputation is one of the most important assets any organisation has. It can take years to build, but can be lost overnight. This highly participative course will help you put in place crisis management procedures and develop the media handling skills that will help your organisation emerge strengthened rather than weakened by a crisis.
Course Dates and Location
- There are no dates available at the moment
Currently, this course is run on request meaning that a date will be scheduled once we have at least three people interested in attending this course.
We can deliver this course virtually for your organisation, on a date and time that suits you. If you have four or more people who would like to attend this course then In Company Training could be the most cost-effective option. Contact one of our Training Coordinators on 020 7490 3030 or contact us for more information and a quote.
Course Details
Course Outline
Over the day, you will cover:
- preventative measures – how to avoid a media crisis
- communication risk analysis
- risk management
- developing good relationships with journalists
- recognising the danger signs – what types of incident can turn into a full blown crisis
- developing a crisis management plan
- putting in place a critical incident team
- who should be on it
- the skills they need
- training your critical incident team
- the importance of good internal communication
- communicating with your board, your staff, your other stakeholders
- protecting vulnerable staff and customers
- acting swiftly, and accountably
- understanding the media agenda
- message development – demonstrating that you are concerned, capable and taking action
- rebuttal processes
- keeping good records of media contact
- handling hostile media interviews with skill and confidence
- staying calm under pressure
- ensuring you don’t speculate
- giving your audience confidence in your ability to get on top of the crisis
Who Is This Course For?
The course is for PR professionals, managers, emergency planning personnel and others who want to develop their skills and confidence in the area of media management in a crisis.
The course combines high quality information from professionals who have been there and done it, plus practical exercises, case studies, checklists, and creative discussions. It includes undertaking media interviews with video feedback.
Itec works with people from all sectors including the public sector, voluntary sector, corporate sector and private sector.
Itec works with people from all sectors including public, voluntary, corporate and private.
What Will This Course Help Me Do : Learning Outcomes?
This course will help you recognise the specific risk factors for your organisation, and take action to prevent a media crisis. However, if a crisis hits, it will give you the confidence and skill to handle it well so that your organsiation emerges stronger than before.
The course is for PR professionals who want to develop their skills and confidence in the area of media management in a crisis.
Other Courses To Consider
This course is particularly suitable for in-house training. Our specialist team of communication consultants and trainers can develop a crisis scenario, tailored to your specific risk factors, and run the media training element around the scenario. Please contact us on 0207 490 3030 for more information.
Course Fee
- £522 plus VAT not-for-profit price (applies to charities and all other not-for-profit organisations, including public sector and housing)
- £589 plus VAT standard price (applies to all other organisations)