Jobs Growth Wales+
Develop your skills, gain valuable experience, and earn up to £60 a week!
Jobs Growth Wales+ is a learning programme that gives you the skills and experience needed to secure employment or to progress into an Apprenticeship or further learning in the future. Whilst on programme you’ll receive comprehensive support to develop your skills, increase your knowledge and maintain your health and wellbeing.
JGW+ with Itec
3 strands
3 different strands that are best fit for yourself.
Get paid while learning
You can earn up to £60 per week.
Job opportunities at your feet
We have full-time and part-time opportunities available with local employers across South Wales for 16-19 year olds.
Get started with Jobs Growth Wales+
Jobs Growth Wales+ have three different strands to make sure that you get the support you need to progress:
On this strand we will identify and address any learning barrier(s) that may prevent you from participating in further learning or moving into employment. Along with centre-based learning, you will be provided with a work taster with a local employer, this aims to confirm your occupational focus. You will be provided with the breadth and flexibility of skills you need to progress at the earliest opportunity, along with 1-2-1 support. Your support will be personalised to you and tailored to your needs and will be to match whatever work sector you are interested in. Attendance is aimed at up to 30 hours per week. You can earn up to £60 per week on this strand.
This strand is for you if you have a specific job or career route in mind, this is where Jobs Growth Wales+ can help you make this a reality. We will work with you on your individual learning plan with specific activities to strengthen your skills, allow you to learn about a subject, and gain experience with local employers. You’ll get paid a weekly training allowance while you learn and work towards a recognised qualification.
Attendance is aimed at 16-40 hours per week and you can earn up to £60 per week on this strand.
If you know what job you want, you’re looking, and ready to start working, Jobs Growth Wales+ can help you get a job within 10 weeks. We will find you job opportunities with local employers, you will be able to have a work trial and you’ll become part of a company and receive a wage. This strand provides a wage subsidy for a paid and sustainable job opportunity.
Attendance is aimed at 16-40 hours per week.
You can earn up to £60 per week until you are employed then guaranteed to receive national minimum wage.
Ready to work?
We have full-time and part-time opportunities available with local employers across South Wales for 16-19 year olds. If you’re ready to start working, click the button below!

Job Growth Wales+ is for those aged 16-19 who are not in full-time education, employment, or training.
We deliver Job Growth Wales+ in Cardiff, Newport, Torfaen, Rhondda Cynon Taf, Caerphilly, Monmouthshire, The Vale of Glamorgan, Blaenau Gwent, Bridgend and Swansea, Neath and Port Talbot. Through our partner organisations we also deliver in Powys, Pembrokeshire and Camarthenshire. See Our Centres.
The programme is open to join all year round, so if you’re interested in hearing more or would like to start your enrolment, please send us a message in the box below.
Ready to go or want to chat to someone more about your options? Contact us today.
Let our Jobs Growth Wales+ team you are interested using our Contact Us form and one of our advisors will get in touch to chat through your options.
“The feedback I’ve received from my lead worker has helped me break down exactly what I need to do next to progress on to level one. I’m currently on placement in a hair salon, and I am working with my tutor to complete my AON. I know once I complete that I can progress onto level one and start my hairdressing qualification. With Itec’s encouragement and guidance I know I can do it”
“I lost my first placement due to not putting the effort in. I then worked with my lead worker to figure out what went wrong and what could I have done differently. I’ve worked on my attendance and put a lot of effort into my work. I’m now on my second placement in a garage, and currently working towards a Mechanics qualification. I wouldn’t be in this position without my lead worker and Itec”
“During lockdown, Itec and my tutor have given me such good support to help with the stress caused by my home situation and my mental health. They have been amazing in helping me cope during lockdown, I owe them a lot”
What is Jobs Growth Wales+?
Jobs Growth Wales+ is a programme designed to help young people in Wales gain the skills, experience, and qualifications needed to secure sustainable employment. It offers support through training, work placements, and paid job opportunities.
What types of support will I get?
JGW+ provides three main strands of support:
Engagement: Helps you decide on a career path.
Advancement: Provides extra qualifications or support to take your next step.
Employment: Assists in getting a job with a wage subsidy for a paid and sustainable job opportunity.
What kind of training will I receive?
The training provided through JGW+ is tailored to your individual needs and career goals. It can include vocational training, employability skills, and specific qualifications required for your chosen career path.
Can I get help with finding a job after completing the programme?
Yes, one of the key aims of JGW+ is to help you secure sustainable employment. The programme includes support for job searching, CV writing, interview preparation, and connecting you with potential employers.
Is there any cost to join the programme?
No, there is no cost to join the JGW+ programme. It is funded by the Welsh Government to support young people in gaining the skills and experience needed for employment.
How long does the programme last?
The duration of the programme can vary depending on individual needs and the specific strand of support you are receiving. Typically, the engagement and advancement phases can last several weeks to a few months.
Will I get paid while on the programme?
Yes, you will receive up to £60/week plus a daily lunch allowance. For certain phases of the programme, such as the Employment strand, you will receive a wage subsidy paid by your employer.
How do I apply for Jobs Growth Wales+?
You can apply for JGW+ by letting us know your interest using the Contact Us page.
What if I need additional support during the programme?
JGW+ provides access to a range of support services, including mentoring, counselling, and specialist support for those with additional learning needs or other barriers to employment.
Our JGW+ Clients