
Take your business to the next level by taking on a JGW+ learner


Jobs Growth Wales+ is a programme designed to help 16–19-year-olds fast forward to the next stage in life.

Jobs Growth Wales+ can include work trials, work placements, or direct employment. The programme is focused on giving young people the skills, qualifications, and experience to enable them to progress at the earliest opportunity to learning at a higher level, an apprenticeship or in to employment.

Jobs Growth Wales+ is flexible and by working closely with Itec, you can design a programme which suits your needs and those of the young person.

Employability skills training provided by Itec for the young person
English, maths and digital skills support if required
Valuable work experience provided by your company
A weekly training allowance paid to the young person by Itec

You can make a big difference by supporting a young person who can become invaluable to your business in the future

In addition to these basic elements, we can add flexible additional content to meet the needs of your business and the local labour market. We have a pool of young people who are in training with us on our JGW+ programme who need experience of the workplace. These young people are developing the skills that employers want, as well as the positive attitude to work that is required.

Proven Benefits to providing a work placement to a young person


Add new skills to your workforce.


Give a young person an opportunity to gain valuable experience.


Flexibility to meet your business needs.


No cost to your business, with financial support for up to 26 weeks at 50% of the young persons salary. (Employment Strand)

“When I was 16, I also took part in a similar programme, so I know firsthand the benefits of trying different industries to see which suits you the most. I think that JGW+ is a great option for learners who are unsure of what path to take. It enables people to identify their strengths for job satisfaction.”

Margam Park

JGW+ has provided a great opportunity to help and support a local lad with his development and integration into employment. “

Afan Tyres

Be A Success!

Discover how previous JGW+ applicants have furthered their career.

Our JGW+ Clients