Writing skills: the essentials
How do I get straight to the point, without waffling? When should I use capitals? Can you put a comma before ‘and’? Is it ‘I’ or ‘me’ or ‘myself’? Their or there? Its or it’s?
If you are unsure about the basic rules of writing, or missed out on them altogether at school, this one-day writing course is for you. It will clear up all those questions, plus any others you may have about grammar and punctuation. It will show you a few simple techniques that will make your documents both easier to write and better to read. And it will increase your confidence in your own ability to write clearly, correctly and effectively.
Contact Us
Contact one of our Training Coordinators on 020 7490 3030, e-mail training@itecskills.ac.uk or through the contact us form for more information and a quote.

Course Details
Course Outline
- The principles of good writing at work.
- Clarifying your aims.
- Planning and structuring your work.
- An introduction to basic grammar and sentence construction.
- Keeping it simple: writing in plain English.
- Avoiding waffle and other obstacles for the reader.
- Common myths and mistakes.
- Commas, apostrophes and other punctuation pitfalls.
- Confusing words and usages.
- Capitals, numbers and other style points.
- Making your writing look good.
- Checking and proofreading.
- A personal action plan.
- A year of free support.
We will use a combination of demonstration, discussion and practical group exercises to help you write clear, well-structured English, and improve your general business-writing skills. The course also includes a year of free support from your trainer, and is as an excellent preparation for any further writing courses you may wish to take.
All our training courses are delivered virtually. The webinar systems used do not require software download.
Who Is This Course For?
This course is for anyone in the public, private, corporate or voluntary sector who would like to refresh their basic writing skills, get to grips with grammar and punctuation, understand how avoid common mistakes, and learn to write with confidence.
What Will This Course Help Me Do : Learning Outcomes?
Writing skills: the basics will help you write more clearly and concisely, and get the action you want. You will understand the principles of good written communication and how to put them into practice. You will be able to plan and structure any document by using the appropriate techniques. You will know how to avoid making embarrassing mistakes in grammar and punctuation, and what resources to use to build your skills over time. And you will gradually take less time over your writing, and enjoy it a great deal more.