Working with an intergenerational workforce
Each new generation experiences life and work differently. New generations enter the workplace with new expectations, styles, challenges and needs. Unfortunately, many organisations fail to recognise this and are slow to adapt.
A manager or supervisor may find themselves leading team members whose working lives began before computers in the workplace and when expectations of a job-for-life were common, alongside newer staff who have never known a world without digital social media. This training will consider how to respond to and capitalise on intergenerational diversity in order to get the best from the entire workforce and be prepared for the challenges that lie ahead.
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Course Details
Course Outline
This training course is intended for supervisors, managers, HR or Learning and Development staff who wish to develop the tools and understanding to better address the challenges of intergenerational workforces.
- Understanding intergenerational diversity.
- The challenges (and opportunities) of inter-generational workforces.
- The legal perspective: the dangers of direct and indirect age and generational discrimination, harassment and victimisation.
- Getting the best from different generations, including Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials and Social Digital Natives.
- Understanding generational motivators, drivers and barriers and expectations.
- Assessing and adapting recruitment, induction and onboarding.
- Nurturing talent and succession planning.
- Adapting communication, workplace engagement and feedback to suit generational needs and changing learning styles.
- Strategies for effective inter-generational cooperation, including trickle-down coaching, apprenticeships, shadowing, traditional and reverse-mentoring.
- Fostering understanding and cohesion between workforce generations.
- Making the most of media, technology and tools for development.
- Listening to your workforce effectively and being open to challenge and change in an inter-generational environment.
- Case studies and action-planning.
Who Is This Course For?
This training is suitable for managers, Human Resources and Learning and Development staff in any organisation who wish to develop tools and skills to better address the challenges of working with an intergenerational Workforce.
What Will This Course Help Me Do : Learning Outcomes?
You will learn about the challenges and opportunities presented by intergenerational workforces and understand why you and your organisation may need to be flexible in your approach. You will consider common expectations, challenges and styles associated with different workplace generations and the adaptations that may be needed to get the best from them. You will become confident with tools and techniques to manage inter-generational talent and plan for succession.