Grammar and punctuation at work

Can you put a comma before ‘and’? What exactly are verbs? And what’s the difference between a hyphen and a dash? If you missed out on grammar and punctuation at school, or have forgotten what you once learned, this invaluable refresher course will quickly put you back on track.

You will find out why grammar matters and which bits matter most; how to avoid getting things wrong; and when and how to punctuate for clarity and meaning. It’s only by understanding the building blocks of language that you will gradually gain confidence as a writer – not just so as to avoid mistakes, but also so as to manipulate words to do what you want them to.

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Contact one of our Training Coordinators on 020 7490 3030, e-mail or through the contact us form for more information and a quote.

A Hand writing information down on a piece of paper.

Course Details

Course Outline

On this London based grammar and punctuation course you will cover:

  • Why grammar matters.
  • Parts of speech – an overview
  • The use of verbs, their tenses and voices.
  • Sentence construction.
  • Clauses and phrases.
  • Myths, rules and conventions.
  • Common mistakes and how to fix them.
  • The uses of punctuation.
  • Punctuation marks explained.
  • Capital letters and other style points.
  • A year of free support.

All our training courses are delivered virtually. The webinar systems used do not require software download.

Who Is This Course For?
This grammar and punctuation training course is suitable for anyone, at any level within an organisation, who feels they would benefit from a basic grounding in grammar and punctuation, or wants to brush up on long-forgotten learning.

The Centre works with people from all sectors including the public sector, voluntary sector, corporate sector and private sector.

What Will This Course Help Me Do : Learning Outcomes?

This course will give you an understanding of the basic principles of grammar and punctuation, and how to apply these to your everyday writing tasks. It will also help you avoid common mistakes and gain confidence as a writer.

“I really feel I have a better grasp of writing and am more confident in my writing. The venue was great and the staff friendly.”


KK, Management Consultancies Association
“I found the course very useful. The trainer was excellent and really helped me to achieve my learning goals. She made the content suitable for a variety of different learning needs.”

AP, Open Road Learning
“The trainer was very knowledgeable and explained the course in ways that I will remember back in the workplace.”

TB, Rose Bruford College
“A great course that I would really recommend to anyone!”

DG, Thames Valley Housing

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