Sam Pearcey X Job Centre
Overcoming Social Anxiety to Secure Employment
“Not only did Itec improve my skills, but they’ve also strengthened my work ethic”
Prior to enrolling with Itec, Sam found himself in a bit of a rut, where he was constantly applying for different jobs and roles but always falling short at the interview stage. Sam struggled with his confidence and found it difficult to engage with new people or large groups, which would often let him down at interview. He would often work himself into a frenzy and would get extremely anxious prior to attending the interview.
After months of unsuccessful applications, Sam sat down with his work coach at his local Job Centre and devised a plan to employment, which consisted of Sam developing his employability skills; he was quickly referred to Itec by his work coach. For Sam, although he did want to develop his skills, the main motivation for himself was to get into employment, whatever that may look like.
Once enrolled, Sam took to the sessions like duck to water, participating in workshops and being an integral part of class discussions and debates. Sam quickly found his confidence and was eager to get out there to put his new found skills to the test.
Everything was going exactly to plan for Sam, until a global pandemic occurred which halted Sam in his tracks. Before Sam had any time to lose motivation, his Itec tutor, Julie, was in constant contact with him, giving him all the support and guidance needed, whilst reassuring him of his path. And as we all believed, Sam finally found success, and during a global pandemic of all times. Sam was successful in getting employment with the Job Centre as a Case Worker, and is enthusiastic to help and inspire others in a similar position to himself.
Sam’s advice to his younger self would be; to be proactive, don’t wait around for your dream job to come to you, keep progressing and bettering yourself to work towards it.